Pre-Prep & Prep English

Through a range of activities, Pre-Prep English Academies will provide extra teaching for children to improve their E...

Through a range of activities, Pre-Prep English Academies will provide extra teaching for children to improve their English across speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Our English curriculum is based on the day-to-day English teaching in our Kindergarten and Junior School and is taught by a team of experienced teachers.

CEFR: Pre-breakthrough (Levels a, b and c) Breakthrough (Level 1)

In listening and understanding the pre-breakthrough learner:

  • can listen with interest to the noises adults make when they read stories and show an interest in play with sounds and songs
  • can listen to stories with increasing attention and recall
  • can join in with repeated refrains, anticipating key events and phrases in stories
  • is beginning to understand a few familiar spoken words and phrases.


In speaking and communication, the pre-breakthrough learner:

  • can communicate needs and feelings in a variety of ways including crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing
  • can use sounds in play
  • can use pointing with eye gaze to make requests, and to share an interest
  • is beginning to say and repeat single words and short simple routine phrases.


In reading and recognising, the pre-breakthrough learner:

  • can distinguish between shapes, colours, symbols and the marks that he or she makes
  • can recognise familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos
  • is beginning to segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and know which letters represent some of them


In writing and mark making, the pre-breakthrough learner:

  • can distinguish between the marks that he or she makes
  • can sometimes give meanings to marks that he or she draws, paints and writes
  • is beginning to write or copy simple words or symbols correctly

Lower Primary Elementary builds on beginner but with many more verb forms. Learners also begin to refer to past and future time frames. Grammar to include: Recognition and emergent use Basic verbs in the present simple positive, negative and question forms: I live, don’t live, do I live? Simple adverbs of frequency (usually, sometimes). Quantities: how much, how many? Some, any. Showing ability using “can? can’t”. The past simple tense with to be: was/were. The future simple tense (I will go). Past Simple tense with regular verb: I looked, I listened. Vocabulary to include simple adjectives (big, little, large, small tall, short etc…: opposites, colours. Comparative adjectives: bigger, nicer.

Elementary “Can do” statements:

In listening and understanding, the Elementary learner:

  • can understand a range of familiar spoken phrases.
  • can understand the main points from a short-spoken passage made up of familiar language.
  • can understand the main points and some of the detail from a spoken passage (or story) made up of familiar language in simple sentences.


In speaking and communication, the Elementary learner:

  • can answer simple questions and give basic information.
  • can ask and answer simple questions and talk about his or her interests.
  • can take part in a simple conversation and can express opinions


In reading and recognising, the Elementary learner:

  • can recognise and read out a few familiar words and phrases.
  • can understand and read out familiar written phrases.
  • can understand the main points from a short written text in clear printed script.
  • can understand the main points and some of the detail from a story by recognising key words


In writing and mark making, the Elementary learner:

  • can write one or two short sentences to a model and fill in the words on a simple form.
  • can write a few short sentences with support, using expressions already learnt.

Wellington International College Tianjin is in process to become Tianjin’s only official Examination centre for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers. Hopefully this set-up will be finished by beginning 2020. For the older children we first organize organize Cambridge Assessment English classes for Movers and Flyers. They are part of the range of Cambridge English Qualifications. Cambridge English Qualifications are designed so that each exam builds on the skills learners develop at the previous level.


A1 Movers:
A1 Movers, formerly known as Cambridge English: Movers (YLE Movers), is one of Cambridge English Qualifications. It is the next step in a child’s English language learning. A1 Movers is the second of three Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners. These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.


A2 Flyers:
A2 Flyers, formerly known as Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers), is one of the Cambridge English Qualifications. It is the third of our fun, activity-based English tests for children. A2 Flyers is the third of three Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners. These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.

Daily Planner

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Saturday 9:00 - 10:00 Prenursery and Reception (age 3-5) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB
Saturday 10:15 - 11:15 Prenursery and Reception (age 3-5) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB
Saturday 10:15 - 11:15 Year 1-3 (age 6-8) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB Sold Out
Saturday 11:30 - 12:30 Year 1-3 (age 6-8) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB
Saturday 9:00 - 10:00 Year 3-6 (age 8-11) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB
Saturday 10:15 - 11:15 Year 3-6 (age 8-11) 7 Sessions 1050.00 RMB